Saturday, December 18, 2010

She's A Brick House

Oh wow, it seems I forgot to blog for a while. And to top it off, it seems I've forgotten how to blog! Oh the pain of racking my brain and bumping my head on the walls while saying "remember,!"...Remembered.

I've been doing exams for the last three weeks and I decided to take a break from yesterday - you know, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Telling you about the times when the answers magically appeared in my head with just enough time to write it down and pray that it was legible, the time when I muttered random things under my breath as I was about to go to sleep only to find out that they came back, or to say that I had a dream which showed me everything that was going to come on the paper would make a great story. Well, none of that happened. I sat my marginally existent backside down for hours and studied but fortunately everything that I studied came back! It usually does when you studied the course. As expected, there were hard exams and easy exams.

Since there is nothing to say about exams except that they're over and I can do nothing about them, let's talk about vacation. Vacation is the time to sit back, relax, party, eat food, get fat, talk to girls and let your hair down. The question that often starts to come right before exams are over is "What are your plans?" (as if I really should be studying that). Well, for all those who may ask, I have no plans (like a plane in the sunset with nowhere to land).

It's only fair that I end off by giving an overview of my semester. This semester was humbling; it was, by photo finish, the hardest semester I've ever had. I remember going to class on September 6 and hearing the lecturer talk about "things like the movies and parties are dead. But it's only 3 months so you won't die from it. When this is finish you'll have time enough to go to movies." As I sat back in my chair and retreated to my happy place I thought it was unfair and impossible to put such a heavy burden on someone - the proverbial bricks without straw. But the fact is that I want to graduate so I have to make those bricks. And it's not impossible if 300 people graduated 2 months ago.

So I built bricks which were tested with fire and the fire shall reveal the quality of my work.

When I was senior school I was supposed to read Macbeth (long story). This was when I was introduced to the theme of perception verses reality. Some define reality as just one's perception but though that is easily debatable, no one can deny that one's reality is shaped by one's perception. I was perusing past posts I posted and I noticed something very interesting about one of them. Hindsight is 20/20 (but wouldn't that depend on one's perception of the past?). Anyway, I saw this semester in a different light. I guess brake lights are brighter than headlights. Last semester I was quite indolent and it transcended throughout the semester. Laziness sucks because not only is it fleeting but there's nothing to hold on to when it's gone. So this semester I had the mindset to do work. The results are not in but I'm hoping they were good, it would strengthen my point here.

So if all goes well I'll have 6 more courses to go. Whether that is 1 semester, 1 semester and summer or 2 semesters will be decided next year. As for this year, I'll pop a bottle of champagne and raise my cup of thanksgiving, which tastes so much better than the cup of long nights, blood shot eyes and black circles, red marks not in the shape of the Greek goddess of victory and of course...well "shake and wear" still applies here but sniff tests are now redundant!