Monday, April 19, 2010


A friend of mine once told me (after I sprained my wrist), "Basketball is going to be the death of you." (Let's hope she's wrong.) I love April - long weekend, rain, ending of school and most importantly, the NBA Playoffs start. 40 games in 40 nights - like Jesus fasting in the wilderness - and then the Finals on ABC. There's nothing quite like 10 huge monsters running around a hardwood floor beating one another just to get that coveted prize. When the Cavs are playing, it's 9 huge monsters and Lebron - the beast, the steamroller, MVP...that ring will look so good on his finger. Yes, I am a Cavs fan.

School is nearing its end, all the joys of being a second-last year student will be 100% memories. As I sit in the camp, like a Spartan, I look at my sword. Wow, I've done nothing this week. All my classes have ended. The place that once tried to kill me has become a ghost town. All the limers have left and all the studying poeple have glazed eyes and are lifeless zombies walking from class to class to library. Oh well, it's still a good day.

So I'm going to do some work now. All the best in exams and life!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Now let's begin our story...

What is the week after Easter called? I know, sad. Ok, so only for this year was that week sad and that's because sad stuff happened. I find it amusing when people say "Boy, I wish I had your life." I sit and I think about it for a short life...I don't blame them for thinking so. From the outside all, if not most, is well. I'm smiling, I'm not hungry and I'm not crazy. I don't hate life and I love what I do. (And I still have the time to write blogs lol) But then I look at my life from the inside, all the disappointment in people and myself; the struggle I went through to find out who I am; and all that jazz waiting to scream "Hello World!" when the music stops. And as I was telling a friend this week, I am who I want you to see me as (in essence).

The rain came this week, like almost everyday. I was glad for that because I thought I would catch up on some sleep but as I quickly found out, I need to hibernate in order to get back to operational level. I spent most of my time at school in the library getting my brain taken care of - light work often instead of heavy stuff. On Thursday I was talking to my friend Dario about what I was going to do when I leave UWI. My dreams were to go get a masters and then look for a job - simple, easy but not always right. He asked me why I was doing it - a question that I tend to overlook at my convenience.

So I thought about it and that brings us here. For some strange reason I began to think "What would make me happy?" Coming down the checklist of things I began. Would a car make me happy? Would a degree make me happy? (From what recent graduates tell me, that's a no) Would a wife make me happy?

Oh wait, come to think of it, this question was posed to me three times on three different days this week...

The good thing about history is, whether or not we learnt from it, it repeats itself. The Israelites thought that getting a king would make them happy so in 1 Samuel 8, they asked for one. So God told Samuel to give them one and tell them what they have done to me and what he will do. So Samuel told them that they have rejected God as their king and how they would get exploited by the king and he will take the best of their lives but they said "No! Give us one." and Samuel said ok and gave them one. And you can read 1&2 Kings, Chronicles and Samuel to see what happens after that. I said that to say, be careful what you ask for. Sometimes what makes us happy is what we have. Greed is a dangerous thing.

Secondly, the disciples thought they knew what would make them happy. Jesus told them to seek God first and his righteousness and they would have what they need (and they would be happy). Some people do the wrong stuff to get happy. Like Kanye West sang "The prettiest people do the ugliest things for the road to riches and diamond rings" The other question is then a matter of HOW we become happy. I mean, everything costs something, doesn't it?

We all go to school (or went there) for some strange reason. We all live for a reason. In the midst of all I have and all I've done so far, I ask myself, "What will make me happy?" Am I not happy already? Don't I have all I need for now? The story is given about a fire, the sea, a dog and a man. The fire burns, consuming everything around it. Then it stops. The sea, a mysterious monster, sinks anything it can and drags it to the root of the mountains. But it stops when it gets to shore. Why is that? A dog: Man's best friend, yet at the slightest scent of food it can ransack your house and leave it bare. Yet it lies down next to its bone, sleeping. Why not? It is already satisfied. Then there's man - arms behind his back, with an impatient stare in his eyes as if he could speed up time. He stands at the gate of castle waiting. For what? Man is never satisfied..

Monday, April 05, 2010

La La La La...Lemons

These weeks are going by so quickly, yet the term is taking forever to end. Ok let me scratch my brain and check the archives to see what I did this week. You know, four days off can really make me slip into vacation mode, especially when the beach is involved. I think I forgot how to be a student. The bad thing about studying home is when secondary schools go on vacation I get sucked into that mode as well. I woke up on Wednesday at my usual 6:30 and rolled over for round 2 of sleep until I was reminded that I had class at 10 (such a cruel way to wake up). That was pretty much the trend for the week.

Four day weekend! After having a non-productive week I decided to study most of the weekend. On Friday we went to church and came home around 2. After eating and watching television I went to sleep to wake up and do some work. Everything that night is a blur but what I do remember is that I didn't do any.

Round 2: Saturday was our youth group's bbq. That was beautiful. All now a tear runs down my cheek when I think about all the food (and the fire) there was. The burgers, the hot dogs, the kebabs, the chicken, the 3 layer cake, the heart attack but who cares? That's a great way to go out! lolol It was a 3 hour production line - meat on grill, meat on plate (or hand), eat from plate, repeat...then the food was gone. With all the food gone, we played capture the flag with a difference. We passed treaties, made deals with the opposition, sent messages to prisoners and we even beat the prison guard twice lol. All in all, that was a good day.

Round 3: So far I was 0 for 2 so on Sunday I really buckled down to do work. After church and the afternoon nap I went to quiz practice then to a production. As usual, we were the last to leave (even the stage hands were gone) on our way home Mario decided to go for his cake. While going for his cake our aunt told us that our cousin broke down far out of our way so we had to go for the cake, go for our cousin, take him home and then go home. So I spent 15 min at home between 4pm and 1 am.

Round 4: Today I finally managed to do work.

There are 9 more school days left. I honestly feel like a crashing plane sometimes and the pilot is just looking at all the gas that's just being spit out of the burst tank. I hope I can land in the port safely on May 10. As for you who are still flying I pray that you do well in your exams. Sleep if you must but don't oversleep. Study but do not stress out yourself. Read this blog but don't read it twice without studying.